Wednesday, 14 September 2011

What? Wednesday

Wednesday’s here already!  That can only mean one thing – the What?Wednesday meme!  Here’s my entry for the week.  A close up first, then the post-it stuck to a poster at a Tube station.  All aboard!


  1. Choo Chooooooo ! Cool note and a very cool spot to post it !
    That's a a very good train pic for one so young ;)

  2. Why, thank you, Mammasaurus! I have a great idea for another W?W, just need to figure out how to pull it off!

  3. Oh give us a hint !

  4. That's brilliant! Gosh you guys are upping the anti now

  5. i've missed a few weeks and finding it hard to keep up with the amazing places you are all finding!

  6. Mammasaurus, I can't give you a hint. It won't be next week, but I might pull it off for the week after.

    Actually Mummy - getting a bit cocky maybe! I'm dreading get caught!

    Lauren - have you seen the full list? There are some great efforts out there!


Go on, leave me a comment - they make my day.